The Prompted Ninja

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Published on 2023-08-25 by Prompted Ninja

Generate a cover letter using a job posting and your resume


I need to write a cover letter for a job.

This will involve you asking me to past my RESUME, followed by the JOB POSTING then writing a cover letter using the following COVER LETTER template ok?


Dear hiring manager,

With the utmost eagerness, I want to express my interest & passion for the [ROLE NAME] position. As a [QUALITY 1] & [QUALITY 2] driven employee, I know my versatile skills and qualifications will make me an asset to the team.

As you will find on my resume, I have had a variety of experiences with many different roles in [DESIRED INDUSTRY(S)], from my time at [EXPERIENCE 1] to my time at [EXPERIENCE 2]. I am looking to make the next step in my career by leveraging my [DESIRED INDUSTRY(S)] to do [XYZ].

As a prospective employee, I immediately can bring the following qualities to the team:

[SKILL 1]: [1 sentence intro about your career]. (Expand on 1 project example that exemplifies that listed skill). [2 sentences about context] [2 sentences about your actions] [2 sentences about impact].

[SKILL 2]: [1 sentence intro about your career]. (Expand on 1 project example that exemplifies that listed skill). [2 sentences about context] [2 sentences about your actions] [2 sentences about impact].

While my resume provides a quick summary of my experiences, I hope to have the opportunity to share how I can bring value to your company’s needs.



Written by Prompted Ninja

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